It has 4 ports which can each control a pump, a switched socket and a LED. The pumps and LED's would have to be Tunze, it is theoretically possible to connect other 0-10V DC control items but it would be complicated DIY and their is a risk of damage as the 3 in 1 cabling system is very intricate and precise to avoid backfeeding of voltage to other units in the line. The switched sockets can switch anything up to 900W at 115V or 1800W at 230V. It has no level control system, we intend to keep level control separate. It cannot send alarms, however it can be set up as WAN and contacted remotely by web browser to check pH, temp, light and pump function, this would require a static IP and some knowledge of networking but it is a feature that is easily accessed on the web interface. At this time the accessories will be a solenoid and switched sockets and they are fairly priced, sockets will be $70 and have a US plug (no plug adapters) and the CO2 solenoid will be $70 including CO2 tubing and check valve. We do intend to allow Redox control as well. The temp control only requires a switched socket and you can use two so you can set a tight range and switch between a chiller and heater. With the switched sockets you can switch anything you want with a built in timer function or based on pH or Temp or soon Redox (you will only be able to do Redox or pH, not both).