Tunze fish guard


New member
Last night I saw my 4 year olds' little bicolor blenny 'Max' trying to get into my Tunze powerhead and was have difficulty due to the high flow. But a night when the flow reduces :eek: ..... Well it must have succeeded, because this morning it was dead on the bottem of the tank :(

I have to run out to the LFS to get a replacment Blenny so my daughter doesn't reliaze what has happened to her 'Max'.

Has this happened to anyone ? And does anybody know what can be done to restrict the opening (some sort of guard) on the outflow on the Tunze 6100 models ? I would hate to see a repeat as these openings are quite big and may cause some problems for curious livestock during Feeding & Night modes.
Everything made within the past year or so has fish care which pulses the pump once every 20 seconds one rotation to scare fish away. When we get some time and new machinery we intend to offer a screen but their isn't one for the 6100 at this time. We do have one for the 6200 and wavebox size outlet.