Tunze flow information


Hi, I am look at purchasing one or two 6105s. I will be placing them into an 120 gal (48" x 24" x 24") reef ready (center overflow) aquarium. The tank will be stcked with live rock and sand along with LPS and fish.

I will be using a Tunze controller or an Apex controller. My question has to do with the flow produced by this model. Will I be putting to much flow into my tank? Can I dial down the flow with a controller?

On a 120, the 6105 would likely be set up at 12V, you can adjust the flow in 2 ways, by lowering the voltage on the power supply and by turning it down on your controller. At 12V the maximum flow is about 2000gph and the minimum is about 700gph. At 18V it will do 3400gph maximum and 1100 minimum.
Thank you for the fast response.

If I us a controller for the 6105, can the pump be set to slow for feeding? Can to pumps be set to vary speeds?

Yes, the controller will have a foodtimer button that shuts off the pumps for 10 minutes. You can set pump speeds, on our controllers you will set 2 speeds for each pump and it will pulse between them every few seconds and you will seperately program the time between switching pumps.