Tunze Master Stream (5,283 to 21,133 g/h) enough?


New member
First, I'd like to thank Tunze and Roger. I've had a great relationship with Tunze and I've loved everything from my first 6001 to my 6205s and 6305. The problem is: I.... want... more... flow (said like a true addict). Actually, to be fair, I really don't think I have enough flow. I have a 360 (8'l x 36"w x 25"t) and even with two closed loops (Dart Golds), a 6205, 6305, and Vortech MP60, I still don't have anywhere near enough flow in the middle. It's built into a wall as a peninsula and visible on three sides, so I have the return and Vortech on one side and the two Tunzes on another side. The middle is definitely hurting flow wise. So, I'd like to get something significantly more powerful and hopefully more quiet than the Vortech (my wife is tolerant, but not of that pump). Would a Master Stream 6508 be enough for a 360 all on its' own? Or should I go with a bigger one? I'd also like to get rid of the closed loops, since they draw so much juice and the maintenance is a headache.

Finally, what about noise? If they're silent like the 6205/6305, then the boss is happy. If they are louder, are they as loud as the Vortech 60? My wife can hear the Vortech in the next room and I have to get rid of it.

While I'm at it, my quick review on Tunze vs. Vortech. The flow on the MP60 is noticeably better than the 6305, but that comes at a huge cost. Did I mention it's really loud? The other thing is the reliability. My Vortech has failed twice and I'm still waiting on a part from them. And then there's service: with Roger, replies are instant and he's ALWAYS left me feeling good about Tunze. If that guy ever needs a job, I'd hire him in a second to manage my customer service. So, I'm pretty sure I want to go with Tunze on this project and it sounds like the Master Streams are just what the flow-doctors ordered. So which one to get and how about the noise?

Thanks in advance for anyone with input.
One more question: since I'm not an expert on flow or how flow works within a tank, would the noticeable flow out of the base Master Stream (i.e. at 21,133 g/h) be roughly 2.7X the flow of the 6305 (7,925 g/h)? I'm not sure that will be enough.
I would consider the 6255, the 6508 I wouldn't recommend for the following reasons-

1) It is huge and will look out of place and be hard to conceal, it is 12" high, 12" deep and about 6" wide. It is fine in a 1000+ but not in a 360.

2) They really do the job on 1000+ tanks, it would need to be way turned down for the 360, you would never use its full potential.

3) The flow is more gentle, the outlet is 5" wide, it more or less fills a 1000 gallon tank with a fairly diffuse flow.

The 6255 covers more reach and spread than any of the pumps you have tried, it should be out in a late October and you should have everything you are looking for in a pump.
Thanks, Roger. I don't mind waiting, but I also don't mind the extra flow from the 6508. Having it turned down is much better than having a different pump turned up all the way and not having it be strong enough.

Would it be fair to say that the 6508 is much, much stronger than the 6305 (as in much more than 2-3X), which the flow rates would indicate? I ask this thinking I need a pump closer to 5X the strength of the 6305.
I would say that is a fair assessment (5* the flow), however, keep in mind, the outlet of a 6508 is 5" wide, the flow is more of a solid wall of water movement and it is not as forceful as you might expect, though it will cover about a 10ft length, it is very wide and won't have the force nearer the pump you might think, for perspective, your entire 6305 will fit inside the outlet nozzle of a 6508. The flow characteristics are very different given the shear size, the propeller itself is about the diameter of a 6305.