Tunze nano ATO question


New member
I am looking at going with an ATO.
I have been primarily lookat at the tunze 3152.

If I buy the tunze, for example, do I need to buy other stuff to get it to work, or does the controller come with everything I need besides water and a bucket? Also, what is the preferred installation location? Im thinking 3rd chamber, but since it fluctuates so much with the return pump, I wasnt sure if that would lead to an overflow.
Yes, it includes everything except the reservoir and water. Just keep in mind the maximum volume it can handle is 55 gallons and everything above 25 requires opening the controller and increasing the safety timer delay. Generally, sensors install in the last compartment with the return pump and the top off hose routes to the tank.
I will be using it in a 29g biocube, so if it was not adding enough water after all of the rock and sand displace water, I could always adjust it. That is interesting that the water is routed into the main tank, and not into the back of the tank. I will have to look up some images of this. I like the clean look of the biocube and not having all kinds of tubs and things in the DT.
On an all in one like that you can route it into the back, that is fine, it is mainly that to avoid a siphon on a larger set up you don't generally want to pump to a sump.
Question: let's say the system runs for 1.8 minutes and shuts off for safety issues. Will it cool down and run again, or do I need to power cycle the unit before it will work again?
You have to manually reset it by power cycling it. If this happens you should open the controller and extend the timer to 3 minutes, usually with more than 25 gallons you need 3 minutes.
I ended using the cardboard it comes with as a spacer between the glass and magnets. So far so good!