Tunze Nanostream


Premium Member
Is anyone using the controllable Tunze Nanostream (6055)? I have a 30g tank and I'm considering buying one or two.
I'm not using the controllable but have 4 of the regulars. On two of the four, the plastic bracket has broken already. For the money these cost and the name behind these little guys, you would think that you shouldn't have any problems with them.

I have a "theory" as to why this happens. The powerhead is simply held by a plastic piece that looks like a C. This plastic looses some of its flexibility after being in saltwater for awhile and becomes a bit on the brittle side. When you try to remove a powerhead from a clamp that has lost its flexibility - it breaks.

I would like to see them redesign their clamp. Maybe two half C's that slide together to cradle the powerhead. That way the plastic wouldn't have to flex.

It would be wise to pick up a couple of extra brackets if you go this route.
Are yours newer? I've heard that they fixed this problem, but I don't know if it's true. Do they work well though?
i want to get 2 of the 6055's for my 75, but at the moment can't afford them. lol. I talked my parents into 2 of the 6025's for their tank. Maybe if I fall in love I'll put them higher on the list of things to buy. if you get them, let me know how you like them.
I have a 6025 with no problems on the bracket. I bought it when it first came out. I am having a problem though, as I took it apart to clean it out, and now I cannot get the front plastic piece to stay on. I need to buy some tiny black zip ties.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12322790#post12322790 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by d9sccr
Are yours newer? I've heard that they fixed this problem, but I don't know if it's true. Do they work well though?

I got mine maybe 6 months or so ago. Don't know if that's considered newer ones or not. Other than the bracket problem - I love them.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12323004#post12323004 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SugarFox03
I have a 6025 with no problems on the bracket. I bought it when it first came out. I am having a problem though, as I took it apart to clean it out, and now I cannot get the front plastic piece to stay on. I need to buy some tiny black zip ties.

I took one of mine apart once as well and the fronts don't stay on very good. I ended up using a dremel on it to eleviate some of the pressure from the electrical cord that was hitting the front. With all that said - I haven't had a front fall off once in place.
I've got 2 6055's on a 7095 multi controller. I love them. They work great. They've replaced all of my maximods and my Koralias. I think that a one would be fine but 2 may be too many for a 30 g tank.
The brackets were redesigned with a different, less brittle, type of plastic. Tunze will replace them - PM Roger at Tunze, his username here is rvitko.
In addition, they also recently changed the shaft design to a Ti/SS alloy, so if you have a problem with the impeller shaft breaking, they'll replace them for you as well.
I run 3 new 6045's for supplemental flow and yes they are as advertised.
The parts will be replaced - great customer service.