Tunze Osmolator ATO Connector Issue


New member
So here is the short of it.

Sensors seem to work.
Pump works when connected to a 9v battery.
Pump does not work when attaching wires with connector.
Pump does not work when I skip the connector and just try to tough the wires together.

I am not sure if they were touching in the connector so I took that out the equation by touching them directly onto one another. Nothing.

I was not sure if the pump was dead so I took that out the equation by using the 9v battery. Then the pump works.

What is my next troubleshooting step?
In the video, there are no lights on on the controller? Does the controller light up? It looks like the power supply is dead if no lights come on on the controller.
Roger Vitko, the unit was not plugged in for that test. the video was for demonstartion purposes. the lights operate as if all is well. the pump never turns on when it says it is on though. unless I bypass the controller and power the pump by battery.
In that case my guess is that there is a break in the wires to the pump from the controller or a defect in the switching of the controller. What country are you in?
Pump to controller wires seem to be fine cause a 9v sends power down those lines just fine.
The 2 Black wires from connector to display unit would be the culprit then maybe?
Visually they do not look marred in anyway though.
Yes, but I suspect a break in the wire. Please send me the controller and we will replace it.

Tunze USA
305 Victor St
Austin, TX 78753
Roger , thanks for the fast replies. Great customer service. Here is another video demonstrating what I describe above while the unit has power to it, please view and comment:


Is there anything else I can try short of sending it in?
Can I just send the controller only without the pump and magnet brackets?
If you have a voltmeter, you could check the voltage at the board where the pigtail wires connect and see if you have 9+V there. This would indicate it is just the wire and then possibly cutting back to the point of the break would solve the problem, but that could be a couple inches it could be most of the pigtail. If you have no voltage we know it just isn't switching.
I do not own a voltmeter sorry. I will be sending this unit to you tomorrow.
Can I just send the controller only without the pump and magnet brackets?
Sending back this morning, packaged up with copy of receipt of purchase along with a printed copy of this thread for reference. Thanks!
Yes, I completed it on Friday. We sent a new controller, the issue was with the switching on the controller itself.
You sent your power supply and controller, I verified your power supply worked and I tried changing the wire on the controller and it was a no go. I replaced the controller with a brand new one in the sealed factory packaging.

I can look up the tracking, you should have it Thursday, can you PM me your name so I can look it up. Sorry, I remember the repair, but not your name.