Tunze Osmolator Power Supply


New member
Hey I was told this would be a good place to start looking for answers to my questions

Anyways I recently moved a bunch of stuff around and now I cannot find my powersupply for my Tunze Osmolator.... Was curious if it was possible to just run up to radioshack and get a new one that would work, or do I need to talk you into sending me a new one...haha

Any help is appreciated, hope you had fun in Germany (always wanted to go)
Germany is a fun place, especially if you like German food and beer.

Anyway, you can order the power supply on tunze.com, part 5012.010, Aquarium Specialty and Premium Aquatics also list these for order.

If you wanted to go the radio shack route, it is possible, I will give you the specs.

The tip is tip positive 5 * 2.5 mm.

The power supply needs to be 9-12V and have a minimum capacity of 1200mA.