Tunze Silence 1073.05 not turning back on


New member
Hello everyone, I have a Tunze Silence 1073.05 Recirculation Pump connected to the variable speed port on my Neptune Apex controller. I have programmed the VarSpd1_I1 to shut off whenever my feed timer is activated, same as with my Vortech pumps.. However, if the timer expires or if I cancell the feed timer, the Tunze pump will not power back on while my other pumps will. The only way I can make it start again is by disconnecting the cable from the controller to the Tunze Pump and disconnecting and then reconnecting power again. The same thing seems to happen if I have the pump powered up and connected to the controller and then mannually shut it off from the controller. The pump shuts off, but when mannually giving the instruction to ON it will not power up again.

I have double checked my programing statements on the controller to be correct and I'm fearing it might be an issue with the pump itself.

Please help!

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I suspect one of three causes-

The potentiometer on the pumps junction box was turned down, this must always be at full power when a controller is used. This adjustment is only present for use without a controller.

The Apex cable is loose or making poor contact.

The pump is jammed, typically a bearing is not seated or is stuck to the impeller. At either end of the impeller is one of these, the ceramic may also be brown-


The impeller shaft spins in these and must not be fused to them, they must also be fully seated in the sockets at either end, one at the bottom of the pump and one in the impeller cover.
I should clarify. The pump does come on once I disconnect it from the controller and cycle power to the pump. I have checked a secure connection between the controller and the pump and have also checked the potentiometer. What has me mystified is that the controller will turn the pump off, however it will not turn it back on.

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Yes, but the bearing issues will present themselves if the pump is started at less than 100% because the resistance to turning is high, it can start when no controller is present because it has full power but if it is turned down on the controller, then it will not have enough power to fight being bound up, this is worth checking.

We get a lot of reports of weak/poor connections from Apex cables, they seem to have too long of a rubber boot on the DIN end which prevents them from fully seating. Solutions I have heard have ranged from pulling the boot back to trimming it.