tunze stream 6100


New member
Last night the alarm on my controller sounded. I unplugged the unit and looked at it this morning.

I'm unable to pull the drive unit out. I can turn it with a little difficulty, but can't get it out. I have the unit sitting in a diluted vinegar solution. I suspect it's calcium buildup on the drive unit.

While trying to get the drive unit out, the head of the screw holding the propeller to the shaft came off (I didn't realize it was a plastic screw).

Anyway, I'm hoping the vinegar solution will enable me to remove the drive unit for cleaning in the near future. Is there anyway I can get a replacement screw quickly? Saw another thread where someone "super-glued" the head back on --- and I may need to do this to get the screw out.

Any other suggestions? Thanks in advance..
I know this was intended for Roger to answer, but since I think it was my thread you were talking about...
Saw another thread where someone "super-glued" the head back on --- and I may need to do this to get the screw out.

I could not get the head back on the screw with super glue. I superglued the hydro-propeller to the shaft of the drive unit.

I have since ordered a complete drive unit replacement.

Hope this helps, sorry to butt in.
Thanks, Vert20..

I'm hoping (not really expecting) I can find a replacement screw..... somewhere... Otherwise, I'll probably wind up having to do what you did (after I'm able to get the drive unit out)...

thanks again..
The screw is a graphite reinforced nylon M4 by 16mm screw. Usually once the head breaks off you need a new screw and drive shaft, they are near impossible to extract. I would probably just leave the prop off for now and soak it in vinegar for 24hrs. After that put it somewhere hot, and not an oven or microwave please ;) Just set it in a hot garage or outside in a ziplock bag for 6-12hrs. The slight warmth seems to loosen things up so a good pull on the shaft will remove the drive unit. From here, clean it all up and then you can glue the prop on and just order the screw and shaft- the two parts are about $8.
Hmmmm... Would seem I'd probably also need a new prop (If I superglue the present prop to the shaft).....

Where can I order these things from, Roger? Thanks..
Give me a call on Monday, I'll get you set up. Let's first see if we can get the drive unit out because if not it will need to be sent in. 512-833-7546
I'll call you on Monday, Roger... I can turn the shaft.. so, it's not completely frozen in there....

Actually, at this point in time - the pump is sitting in diluted vinegar on top of my tank (a bunch of xenia has attached itself to the power cord)... If I wind up having to ship the unit to you, I'll either have to send you some xenia or remove it from the cord first ;) ......

Anyway, I'll let you know how things progress.... thanks again...
It takes persistence, but I was able to get the drive unit out... Turning it for a while and slightly pulling up at the same time, gradually broke it loose. I've cleaned the calcium build-up off of the drive unit.... Do I need to take the drive unit completely apart and clean all the individual parts? ...

There was also a very small piece of the screw threads sticking up and I was able to get a hold of it with some needlenose pliars. I was able to get the screw out of the drive unit.

I think tomorrow after I've cleaned everything up as best I can, I will see if I can superglue the head back on that screw and use it again.

Anyway, Roger... I'll give you a call tomorrow.. Thanks..