Tunze Turbelle 6065 or 6085 for 125g tank?


New member
Hello everyone! looking for some input on my fowlr build, I was leaning towards either the 6065 or 6085 power heads but unsure what size to get or the quantity. I would also like your opinion on how they should be laid out and pointed in a 125g tank with built in overflows on back wall, thanks!

here are links of each doing a flow test.



I'm trying to avoid both to much or to little current as I cant quite afford the controllers at this time.
I think 2 6065's would do the job, you could set them up on timers and what I would do is run one for an hour and the other for an hour and have that overlap by 15-30 minutes so you get a surge. I would place them on the back wall aimed diagonally so they hit the front about 4-5 ft away, not quite to the opposite corner as you want the flow to roll and not collide and bounce back.