Tunze Turbelle E Jet


Premium Member
Can you use these for return pump? I couldn't find a head loss graph, but it seems possible.
Yes, in fact 3 models are sold as return pumps 805, 1205 and 5005. All have 25mm metric outlets so without making a DIY adapter the only plumbing options are 25/32mm Eheim tubing and our 1073.000 plumbing kit.

Max head on the 805 is about 7ft, at 0ft it does 225gph

Max head on the 1205 is about 9ft and at 0ft it does about 317gph

The 5005 as delivered can handle up to 9ft of head pressure and does 1100gph at 0ft, with the added parts mentioned on page 21 of the catalog it can pump up to about 20ft but the max flow is about 400gph at 0ft, it has a very flat flow curve though and at about 5ft the flow of the unmodified and modified pumps are equal.
Not dramatically, not enough to be the reason to buy one. Our 6055 and 6095 are at least as quiet, coming in at about 56db. The main point of these pumps is to run filters and direct flow where a higher pressure flow source may be required.