Tunze wavemaker


Active member
Ok, I am looking to purchasing a Tunze 6206 for my 90gallon.
I have a corner overflow also.
The question is---Will there be a problem being a corner overflow and anyone have any comments on using these things(are they efficient and do the job of circulating the water)
Now, all I have for circulation is two MJ's 1200's facing the front glass, the return pump and a MJ 600 blowing behind the rocks on the back glass.
It seems to do just alright but some of my SPS gets a few floaters on them.
It will work with the corner overflow but you will get a splashing noise as the water enters the overflow and the wave won't be as tall as it would be with a centered overflow, because some of the energy is lost to spilling over into the overflow.

The wavebox is not intended as your only source of flow, it creates a directionless rocking motion that lifts and suspends debris that should then be swept away by powerheads. At a minimum you would need to keep the maxijets running.