Tuxedo Urchin for Algae Control

I am thinking about getting a tuxedo urchin for algae control in the tank. Any tips or advice? Are they easy to care? Do I need to watch out for anything?
  • They are beautiful
  • They do eat plenty of algae, but not all types (mine would not eat GHA)
  • They don't need much of anything specific for care

  • They are bulldozzers. They knock off anything in their path.
  • You have to remove stuff off of them regularly.
  • They eat coraline algae. You may not care, but some may.
Creative had some lettuce nudis, grabbed one for my nano that's overrun with gha right now and it's easily my favorite cleanup crew member. They were $15 and are fully reef safe as far as I know.
I don't believe so - they're not a true nudi but rather a sea slug. From what I've read they're not going to nuke a tank but ymmv.