Two cases of Anemones


New member
Hello all,
I am seeking some advise from seasoned Anemone keepers.
I just bought some live rock and the guy that sold it gave me two anemones with the rock. They weren't looking the best though so I thought I will see if I can help them.

Two days ago, I brought them home and I have always been wondering if they're enjoying themselves in my water or not. They did each had a piece of thawed frozen shrimp, and I didn't see them spit it out yet, it's been almost 12 hours since then.

So Case 1:
On the first day this guy walked into a cave in my rocks and I couldn't see him, so I took out the small piece that he was on, and put him in front and he thankfully stayed here for a day now.
His tentacles are really short but his mouth in the middle seems closed.
What does everything think I should do next to help him get back to shape?
Feed every other day? or just let him be?

Case 2:
This guy hung on to the same place he came on and didn't move. Because of the long tentacles, he seemed to be doing better than case 1 originally, but now I'm not so sure anymore. There's some white stuff on his side (I'm not sure if that's his mouth or not?) I think the shrimp went in somewhere there, I couldn't tell because his tentacles were blocking it. Is that white stuff his guts or just his mouth?

Water parameters:
0 ammonia
0 nitrite
10ppm nitrate
12 gallons of water.

I am waiting for my 65 gallon tank to come back from the shop... had to buy those live rocks, so these guys are stuck in my QT for the next week or so.

Thanks for your help!
Bad shape yes but still could recover, possibly your light may be stronger than previous tank or they just aren't healthy enough to want or deal w/ a lot of light, may still be acclimating to that and also new tank/params.

I usually do not feed a new nem for at least a week unless it's badly bleached and really small foods they can easily digest like mysis are best, twice a week is plenty, you don't want to stress them.
Looks like in bad shape definitely. But they are still attached and their mouths are closed. So I think they can still recover.

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Thanks guys, how do you guys suppose I try to help them get better?
Should I just leave them be and observe their situation?
Thanks guys, how do you guys suppose I try to help them get better?
Should I just leave them be and observe their situation?

Keep your water parameters stable.

What are you using for lighting?

Neither bta is in great shape but the first one looks ok. It would likely come back if given a stable environment and possibly feed very small amounts 2-3 times a week.

The second one honestly looks like a split that has not healed yet. I would not feed this one at all and probably just leave it alone until it heals.
Water parameters:
0 ammonia
0 nitrite
10ppm nitrate
12 gallons of water.

I am waiting for my 65 gallon tank to come back from the shop... had to buy those live rocks, so these guys are stuck in my QT for the next week or so.

Thanks for your help!

Your 65 gallon is drained and being repaired? Be very careful. Your best bet for now is probably keeping the btas in the 12 gallon they are currently in and maintaining the water parameters. When you have your 65 gallon back and setup, you will likely have another cycle that you do not want the bta's to have to go through so you will want to have the 65 set up for at least a month before transferring the btas to it. The longer the better.
Yup, I don't plan to out these guys in the tank right away.
I am just trying to get them into a better shape in this 12 gallon tank...

I notice a bit of white strings from these guys.. I am not sure if they are the guts or the shrimp from yesterday...

These guys look OK still.
I really hope I can help them! -_-
BTAs are pretty hardy, if the lighting n parameters are good it will get better. Also if your going to feed it mysis would be a better choice n feed it once a week n watch how they are doing if they seem to be improving maybe feed mysis twice week. I would not feed anymore then that.
Due to the small water volume, keep an eye on ammonia, nitrate and salinity. As long as they are attached, not deflated and withdrawn into a cave, they will recover.

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Here's an update of how these guys are doing:

Seems like they are starting to grow into a better shape than before :)

Thanks everyone for your help! My 65 Gallon is coming home tomorrow and I hope the tank won't have anymore problems so these guys can be taken care of properly!!