Two morons charged with poaching corals in the keys

Its nothing everywhere, except in Monroe County. Judges there routinely hand down jail time for poachers. Plus, they'll likely face steep civil penalties from the sanctuary for the damage they caused to the reef.
Not to get off topic, but I have a beef with us locally, as well. I go on charters, and the mates almost INSIST you keep 8" strawberry grouper! We need to get limits on these, you almost never catch one worth filleting. A guy took home 9 of these guys, most 8-9", a couple 12"... and probably got a pound and a half of meat between 9 fish.
Just FYI, although there is no size limit on several grouper species, ALL grouper are counted for the daily bag limit of five fish per person. Also, most of the species, including red hinds, rock hinds, and graysbys (all of which are often referred to as "strawberries"), have a closed season from Jan 1- April 30.
What idiots! No doubt the reef's here are beautiful but nothing compared to the corals you see at the LFS's, why would you want to take them home?