TWO new Rhinopias, story and pics


So i had always planned/hoped on bringing home a rhino today, but i couldnt resist and brought home both of the ones my favorite LFS got in :D, and for a pretty darn good price. They're in a 50g reef, and i must say they are simply amazing. Not all is going well though, i had somewhat of a disaster and i need some help with the matter, see this thread . Enjoy the pics... and im praying that they make it through the mess.

the frondosa (or aphanes but im pretty sure its a frondosa)
it has blue spotting to it, which can be seen well in this photo

the Esch.

Another of the weedy

and both together
wow....someone stumbled upon his bank acct.
your right its a R frondosa, a beauty for sure. make sure they are eating well, most people feed them damsels, but ghost shrimp at a minimum, no FW feeders.good luck
ChAoTiCrEeFeR4U said:
wow andrew, you've been on rc all day...:lol: and i've been followin you around the board too.

lol. I was waiting for my dad to get back with rio water so I desided to post some. :)

well... back on topic.
Well they're both seemingly OK this morning. I watched the weedy stalk a gramma around the tank for a good 30 minutes, and to no avail lol. I know the LFS was feeding them goldfish, but as i already said they are taking frozen.
they were relatively cheap... as far as rhinos go. A pretty fricken good deal actually, but i dont want to list the actual price yet because i dont want to jinx anything, im still not 100% certain that they are going to be ok after my catastrophe but im praying that all will be fine
those are beautiful. I just picked up a pair of golden dwarf eels for VERY cheap because im living in Hawaii for a while for school. Good luck with them, and post some more pictures!!!
The esh isnt as active as the frondosa. He hasnt eaten yet either. I hope hes just taking longer to adapt and that he isnt going to be a problem. Here are two more pics of the weedy.

lunker- consider feeding them smallish damsels, or peppermint shrimp. These guys are primarily small fish eaters in the wild. The R.Esch is an algae mimic whereas the Frondosa are crinoid mimics. so think about the critters that associate w/ those two scenarios
Thanks Marini, feeding is getting a little frustrating since they wont take frozen but i clearly saw them take it in the store, im hoping they just need to adapt to the new tank. I put a gramma, goby, and cleaner shrimp in there and so far the rhinopias are seemingly too slow to catch them (they're ingoring the shrimp but have tried to catch the gramma and goby, but failed). Hopefully i can get some damsels tomorrow and try net-feeding them
another question, do you see the red blotches on the weedy? behind the head, under the pectoral fins. Anyone think i should keep an eye on that, i hope its not some kind of internal complication. And yes, i worry alot, but with fi$h like these i dont think anyone can blame me ;)
lunk- that a problem w/ these fish.. they are slow eaters. I usually recomend you get them eating in a smaller tank where you can get a higher food density. it looks like in your tank, that a few small fish will just disappear into the rockwork. So you might be served by adding a small school of green chromis
AS for the red area, i do see it on your fish. Intially i thought it was the gill raker which are sometime visible on these fish (and flushed w/ blood-hence the red coloration. Is it on the pectoral fin or at the base of the pec fin, or is it on the gill operculum