thanks for the info, keep a watchful eye on this, from the bottommost photo it looks like a skin irratation, or abrasion. so definately somethin to concern yourself w/. Is the frondosa eating well? can you get it to eat ghost shrimp that you've gut loaded w/ algae and or fish food.
i wouldn't treat the tank, but ensure the frondosa is eating well , the water quality in your tank is spot on, and no harassing tankmates. The abrasion should heal, but yes keep a watchful eye
thanks for the info, keep a watchful eye on this, from the bottommost photo it looks like a skin irratation, or abrasion. so definately somethin to concern yourself w/. Is the frondosa eating well? can you get it to eat ghost shrimp that you've gut loaded w/ algae and or fish food.
i wouldn't treat the tank, but ensure the frondosa is eating well , the water quality in your tank is spot on, and no harassing tankmates. The abrasion should heal, but yes keep a watchful eye