Ugly Worms Found!

While cleaning for my water change tonight I lifted a rock and found about a dozen segmented worms under it. There bodies were grey blending to pink red ends with many legs along the sides some were over an inch long. If someone can give me advice as to taking close ups with digital cameras I will post one the ones I have tried are all to blurry.

Does anyone think these could be bad?

Are there any srticles about worm id here?
sounds like common bristleworms. some people remove them some dont. i dont. they are good scavengers, and do a great job cleaning the tank.
Yes I just found some very simialr pics on the web and that what they look like. Should I worry about them growing out of control. After my wife saw the oregon guys tank with that monster 7' long worm last week on here, she is freaking out. Will they eat any corals? Thank everybody
they have been known to eat some corals. but most the time they behave :D i would leave them in. they do more good than harm(if any harm)
Melev's Reef ID page, check it out :

The worm in the oregon guys reef wasn't a bristleworm, it was something else that is bad and known to eat corals.

REGULAR ole bristleworms are GOOD, they scavenge, keeping rock and sand clean!!!!!!!!!! Don't remove them.
