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Do tunze create an undertow like I get from my Vortechs? Should I trade my 2 brand new MP40w's for 3 6100.10 pumps with magnets and a 7095?
I really couldn't answer that having never used a Vortech. The 6100 is a fairly old Stream pump, they haven't been made since mid 07 and most repair parts are no longer available, besides the impellers and a few plastic pieces, the motor, driver and transformer are all obsolete.
Everything except motor blocks and I am out of used drivers but will likely see more soon. The main caution is that as time goes on these parts will be harder and harder to find.
Everything except motor blocks and I am out of used drivers but will likely see more soon. The main caution is that as time goes on these parts will be harder and harder to find.

With that said I will be ditching the mp40w's and getting 6205's. Does the 7096 pulse? I don't like on/off and don't want to spend the $ on a 7095 when I will be getting a Apex with aquasurf in the future.
Yes the 7096 and 7095 can pulse the pumps between two speeds, the 7096 can actually do more than the 7095, it is cheaper because instead of a bunch of lights knobs and buttons your computer does all the work.