unexplainable clam predator


New member
I just posted in the ask Dr. Ron forum, and I'll post again here. I've lost three clams in the past month. Two in the last couple days. No decline in clam appearance whatsoever, then complete disappearance of flesh overnight. I've stayed up three nights in a row with a red light for hours trying to find any sign of a worm or crab that could be eating my clams. None was more than 3", but I imagine this is some sort of behemoth. I'm not inexperienced by any means. I've explored all possible explanations. There has to be something in my tank. I'm about to completely dismantle the tank, and search,(maybe fresh dip) every piece of live rock in the tank, and start a new dsb if I can't find the predator. BTW, tank is full of > 50 lbs lr, 20+trochus, 30+nassarius, 20 ceriths, several peppermint shrimp, 30-40 assorted hermit crabs, a couple small harlequin brittle stars, and a @#*! load of sps corals, many frags, but a lot of fist size colonies.

In other words, I'm about to take on a HUGE project. The tank is small, but it is FULL. HEEELLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!

PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The only thing I can think of based on your list is the peppermint shrimp. I heard of them bothering clams, but I've never witnessed it.
Well there are many things that could have eaten your clam. If the clam was showing any signs of stress it could have been a combinantion of 30+nassarius and the 30-40 assorted hermit crabs. These animals will attack clams under certain conditions. The reason the shell is clean is because those animals ate it all over night.

thanks for the post. I've relocated the remaining clams temporarily. Dr. Ron suggested maybe an infection, which I don't doubt, as several friends had experiences last year with infections that wiped out almost all their clams at once. I'm not worried about the nassarius or hermits for now. The clams definitrely weren't stressed. Oh well. Also, I'm not sure of the species, but the snail in the pictures looked just like a fighting conch--I used to have one in my refugium. They are definite clam eaters.

The hermits and nassa's unfortunately serve a very beneficial purpose, hence I can't remove them. My 40 breeder tank has 460 watts of light over it. Without them, my tank would be a (hair) algae scrubbing tank.

Anyway, thanks for your thoughts. I'm going to keep the clams in my friend's tank for at least another week, baiting my tank at night to see if anything makes a cameo appearance under my red flashlight.

I'm sure you will.....just don't get any ideas...unless you'd like to work a deal on one of those c. direct specimens.... the little black/blue tigerstripe.....just kidding. I can't afford it anyway.


just kidding. whenever.
update--predator found!!!!

update--predator found!!!!

UPDATE to all those who may have read this thread:

Last night, while looking in my tank, I noticed a whoosh of detritus coming from a hole in a live rock, where no 'whoosh' should have been. I quickly grabbed a flashlight, and to my surprise was the large claw of a 2" stone crab.

Needless to say, I moved my corals, removed the rock, got the crab out, and......VENGEANCE IS MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
me too!!! I've been missing them. My tank looks empty and boring without them. Ah, to be reunited....I'm all giddy. Just kidding; well, not really. I'm a reef dork.