Unhappy Yuma


New member
I don't think this yuma is very happy. He seems to be expelling a lot of zooanthellae (sp?) each night. It's oral cavity also seems to be less brightly colored. I'm really not sure what to look for in a healthy yuma other than what it looked like several weeks ago when I first brought it home.

I have been target feeding it mysid, oyster eggs and rotifers along with the other corals.

It's in a 58 gallon tank with a center overflow (I'm thinking flow might be the issue) and two koralia pumps. Lighting is an Outer Orbit HQI/T5HO fixture with 2 x 150 mh's 10k. AquaC 120 skimmer in 28 gallon sump.

The yuma is at the bottom of the tank in the center on it's own rock. Other inhabitants include a sun coral, a small frag of micromussa, a colony of stylophora, some zoas and some palys, a photsynthetic gorgonian, xenia, small frag of garf bonsai, small frag of grape idaho, colony of turbinaria, various ricordia foridia (don't look thrilled either) and various shrooms.

None of the shrooms really seem to be thriving.

Amonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate undetectable
calcium 360

Maybe I'm a bit paranoid about this yuma but it just looks "off" to me. Any thoughts? Maybe there's some other coral I need ot remove?

I added a few small frags. The Garf bonsai, four zoa polyps, the micromussa and the grape idaho were all added about two weeks ago. The yuma is only three to four weeks old to the tank.

I also took a jaw fish out of QT and added it to the tank about one week ago.

I removed a large crab that I thought might be the issue. There are a a few small emeralds and small hairy crab that seems to steal food largely from the sun coral and the micromussa.
Here's a pic of it today.


Here's a pic of it a few days after adding it to the tank.

Very nice yuma. Well since you added it to your tank 3-4 weeks ago it could just be acclimating to your lighting and that's why it doesn't look as good as when you first bought it. How was the lighting at the lfs compared to your tank and how long did the lfs have it before you bought it?

It doesn't look like there's any damage (yet) so it wouldn't be the crab but I would try and catch it and get rid of it.

And are you running carbon and/or skimmer? zoas can put off a lot of toxins.
Ummm. I'm not sure what the lfs was running over that tank. I think the yuma had been in for a few weeks. I'll find out.

I'm running an AquaC 120 skimmer in the sump. I'm using carbon passively underneath the skimmer gatevalve. I've been thinking about a reactor.

I'd like to get rid of the zoa colony but it's a large colony on a huge piece of rock that was used for the base. It's not going to be easy to remove that sucker. Is it possible to scrape them off or will that result in more toxins being released?

Thx for the help.
Here's a pic for reference. btw, the yuma is about ten inches from this colony. Would it help to move it further away if toxins are the cause?

Well if your skimming 24/7 and replacing the carbon every week it should be getting rid of most if not all of the toxins.

Other then the pale area near the bottom on the yuma, I don't see anything wrong with it. How old are your lights? It could just be a lighting issue where it's getting too much or too little. You could try moving it in a shaded area and see how it reacts or try moving it up.
The bulbs are only a few months old. I'll try moving it to a shaded area maybe with less flow and see how it reacts. Thanks for your help.
Does this look any better compared ot the first shot? i moved it out of the direct light.


It was in the center on the bottom and its now on the side.

Thanks Lance. I thought it looked better too but I noticed a tiny rip in one of the tentacles. This morning that tentacle is surrounded by a black substance. I have a bad feeling about this...
Do you have a picture? I've never seen a black substance. I've seen white stuff and brown stuff. I would just stick my hand in there and start waving the water back and forth on the polyp to get the stuff to come loose off the yuma.
Lance, I moved it to a corner of the tank that is hard to photograph/ I also don't see the black stuff anymore. I'm going to chill out, leave it alone and hope that everything works out. Thanks for your help.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11515561#post11515561 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Emc2
Here's a pic of it today.


Here's a pic of it a few days after adding it to the tank.


The yuma looks 1000x better in the "today" shot than it did in the first brought it home shot. Excellent job.

If it keeps looking good to the new spot you moved it i would let it be happy. Keep posting pictures of the progress please, i have lost every yuma ive ever had and im very interested.
Thanks Mixed_Reefer. It's definitly looking better in its new spot. The loss of zooanthella (sp?) has slowed. I'll try to get pics but close ups are difficult b/c its in a back corner of the tank to get it out from under the mh light. No longer front and center but happier.
I think it's zooxanthellae lol.

For the most part yumas like less light then floridias, there are exceptions though.

Glad it's doing good. Where did you happen to get such a pretty yuma? lfs or internet?
I picked it up at a local lfs. The guy that runs the fish department posted about it in my club's sponsor forum. I was looking for a nice yuma at the MACNA conference in Pittsburgh and came home empty handed. When I saw this one I scarffed it up. In hindsight, I probably should have left it there for someone with more experience.
Well it looks like it's doing fairly well for you. Hopefully it will get really happy and start dividing.

I use to have a rock with some brown yumas w/ flourescent green tips on the tentacles. It was really pretty. I got it for $100, about 8 polyps. They did great for about 3 months then I lost all but two to some unknown white substance similar to what someone posted about their yuma recently. Well I ended up losing one of the two and the last one didn't look so hot so I fragged it into two and lost half. It has since grown back and stayed small in like a dormant period for a couple months. In the past week it has really perked up and has started growing again.

I call it my $100 yuma lol. Hopefully it will get bigger and start splitting and I'm going to frag it when I does. I kept the rock that they where all on originally and I'm going to re-populate it :) .