Unhappy Yuma

LOL. Yeah, nothings cheap (including experience) in this hobby. I'm glad yours is starting to thrive.

This guy also left some of its pedal (?) on the rock which has disconnected from the parent yuma. I'm hoping if the parent goes south that will still survive.

Totally OT, but I noticed your PT experience. Are you still running the PT? I have a high tech 120 gallon planted tank in one of my walls. I've been thinking more and more about making it into a reef.
lol Yea. I use to have a 5 gallon, 10 gallon, and 20H planted tanks for years til I combined them all into the 54 gallon. It's still going good, though it is a little neglected lol. It's low tech. I don't dose , but I do use root tabs since I have heavy root feeders- amazon swords, crypts, an aponogeton that just appeared... lol, and three different varieties of anubias. I love anubias lol. It's low light I have a 130 pc over it. 65 watt 10,000k is on for 12 hours and a 65 watt 6,500k is on for 4 hours (in the middle of the day), anymore and too much algae growth. O and I have lots of java fern, lace java fern, and java moss. I prune it every couple months to get some store credit to buy sw stuff lol.

Whenever the fish die, I'm going to make it into a reef tank lol.