unofficial poll: what time of day do you think kalk should be dosed?


New member
I have heard all kinds of info. some say at night ...some say heck it dont matter if your trying to keep levels up...and some say i only do it during the any case i dose mainly at night when lights are out ..i started this schedule due to being home and up at night. anyways i have dose during the day with no issues. my question is when do you dose kalk? and when do you think is the proper time to dose it? night or day...lights out or lights on? just curious! thanks!:eek1:
When i was dosing Kalk it was with a constant drip. I think 2 teaspoons per gallon.

The coralline grew like mad. :smokin:
either constant drip, or night time. Ph drops at night so the theory is to drip at night to counter this drop. Personally, I like my water level topped all the time, so it is a constant feed- but if I had to limit it, night time is the right time :)
yup since the PH in suppressed by co2 it gets built back up with the Kalk dose to boost..................................
i dose 24-7 . when ever my tank calls for make up water i have a float switch that turns on a small doseing pump that i picked up and makes up my evap water with kalk water . plus a good way to help balance your ph is to have lights on your sump on 24 -7