Upcoming FMAS swap


New member
Here are some stuff I will be bring to the swap.

Superman shrooms

Lave Lamp Shrooms

Latin Lovers


Sunny D & Vampire Zoas

WOW ....very nice. Lets get this party started and make it the best swap yet. Still plenty of room for anyone that would like a FREEEEEEE table.
nice stuff I can hardly wait. I am just getting back and will be dropping some cha ching :)
nice stuff I can hardly wait. I am just getting back and will be dropping some cha ching :)

Paul!!!! Your back, thank God, I always wanted more of your stuff but you dropped off the face of the planet.

Rovster, now i remember. Im almost sure the colony I have, and you like, came from Kubi. He might remember the name for ya. :hammer:
is it this one under different lighting?

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Dont think so. This is a better picture a few months ago, its bigger now. Not sure if its yours or not now. I stopped keeping track of coral names a long time ago. If i like i buy regardless of name.

But up and coming Rovster wants a name, LOL.

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Kubi what's the one in the pic?

Eddie, I heard you lost your turdcake. I don't think you'll ever find it. You might find some thing similar, yet not quite as turdish.....:p