update in " Bin-Laden "


New member
OK - just set the trap ! used an Aquafina bottle label pealed
would not want to give it away .. they are soo damn smart !!
cut a few holes ... attached ..thank goodness we just had a 2 wk old fry .. a nipple ..cut an " X " at the nip and insterted in bottle ..
if you can imagine ... niple facing inverted ... to a baby bottle.

well had baby for a bit .. 2 hrs nothing yet ..

I know that freak in my tank ... cause i tried to Edward Scissor hand his as!@#$% today !!

updates will continue ..............

parvin yu should put a sign on the front that says "mantis hotel stay free for 1 week trial" and i bet youll have them both the first night lol good luck,Chris
ya - but they are so fast - by the time i get that rock out ..
they are off to another rock ... impossible to catch .. i may introduce a trigger and maybe even a wrasse ... they will hunt them down and get a snack out of it as well !!