Update on product availablity


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As some of you know Mr Tunze was visiting me these past couple weeks. We talked a lot about the delivery problems as well as some of the new products.

In the past month Tunze has added 15 employees, this is essentially a 50% increase in employees. It will take a while to see the effect of this so I am not promising we will catch up tomorrow or even by the end of April but things are getting better. I think in the next weeks delivery times will get much shorter. The basic picture was in the words of Mr Swabida the production director, "Their is no light at the end of this tunnel" We could make enough to keep up with current demand but never to catch up with backorders in addition to the current demand. I know people are impatient but I think most people find our product worth waiting for, we really are trying but the growth we have had is just very difficult to keep up with and very difficult to predict. They are awaiting approval from the government to expand the factory and then more machines will be added to produce parts as well. I am not lying when I say that sales have doubled every year since I took over 3 years ago, the US is a totally seperate production because of our power supply and this adds to the delivery problem. Our market used to be very small and this year it will be the single biggest market for Tunze. I feel confident that in about 2-3 months most items will be stock. He explained to me that at present many items like the multicontroller actually are finished and available but their wasn't enough man power to fold boxes and put the manuals in and get them out of the production room with all the other products, the new employees solve this issue.

Otherwise, I am very excited about the new catalogue. It is really sharp, it has a few new products besides what you have already seen. One is the Nano Reefpack 200. Which is really neat in my opinion including a mechanical or chemical filter and a skimmer and it comes standard with the magnet holder, it is a filter for tanks up to 55 gallons and will sell complete for about $220.

We also have a new Calcium Reactor which I think is going to be really neat in that like the DOC skimmer it is for in tank or in sump use and far more powerful than any we have produced before.

The other big change is everything is going to be black from now on, starting in about a month. The green tubes and intakes of the filters and powerheads are now clear and the venturi set screws on the skimmers are blue.

Anyway, just bear with us we are doing everything we can and I think it will be much better soon.
Thanks for the update, I was just about to post a "what's up w/ that?" I have been waiting for a couple of 6060's for about 3.5 wks and was almost ready to cancel the order.
Re: Update on product availablity

rvitko said:
He explained to me that at present many items like the multicontroller actually are finished and available but their wasn't enough man power to fold boxes and put the manuals in and get them out of the production room with all the other products, the new employees solve this issue.

So what are you saying? that almost all backordered multicontrollers will be caught up with the next shipment?
The 6060 shouldn't be a big deal, give me 3 more weeks, they were almost always a stock item but I sold out due to a rush in orders, they are scheduled to leave Germany next week.

Comatose- no unfortunately, in maybe a couple months we will be getting caught up, I am so far behind I would need every unit they make for 2 weeks and that isn't going to happen.