Upgrade suggestions?

As to the lighting question im looking into the reefbreeder photons with T5. I've seen tanks with great growth and color using that set up.

Ive noticed that tend in this hobby as well Roger, either you go bigger then get out or end up just keeping a pico nano type tank.

Ive had tanks off and on since high school, I love the challenge and find that Im much more interested in the coral side, Im not quite up to the level of some of the nicer sps. I can grow some montipora like nobody's business and some birdnest but would like to try my hand on this next tank.

All the mistakes I made on my 90 gallon ( my largest tank to date) were from rushing things, so I'm putting much more thought and design into this next build. Im thinking a 150 gallon is enough of an upgrade to satisfy my space and keep it within a manageable budget.