upgrading bigtime


In Memoriam
I have decided that I am either going to set up a 72X24X24 or a 72X24X30. This will be a peninnsula tank. The overflow will be at one end . I want to have a closed loop. I don't want any cords/pipes coming over the side. A very cleen professional look. I am looking at either a glasscages.com tank or a envision acrylics tank. I have to get quotes, from both. I have a feeling that it will the be that glasscages mainly because of cost.

2X 250 watt mogul-already have
1X 250 watt HQI-already have
2X 96 watt pc actinics-already have

-it will be a retrofit inside as hanging fixture. I am just adding the HQI to the lights of my old 75

Closed loop
1X reefflo dart
1X Oceans Motions 4-way

-I want to achieve about 20-25 times turnover rate. I have heard good things about penducters but still have to look into. I plan on having one 1.5 inch intake in and four 1 inch outputs.

Overflow/Sump system-
-I have a G2 Skimmer right now and am planning on using it in this tank. I am hoping it will be good enought at least for the meantime until I can recouperate from the pounding my piggy bank will take.
-As for flow I am not conserned about a ton. I think around 1200-1500 gph will substantial. I want around a 50gal. sump with the skimmer. The water coming in will go through a layer of filter floss to rid of any particles.
-I want a 20 gal. refugium fed off of my overflow.
-I want a external pump that is quiet(I am open for suggestions)

Live Material-
-In my 75 I have about 110#'s of sand I figure I will ne another 100#'s to achieve the same depth
-I currently have about 120#'s of LR I am assuming another 100#'s. I am goin for more sand space and secluded islands if you will of live rock so I wont need quite as much.

I am planning to make the stand with my dad. I will be 36 inchs tall so the tank will be taller then normal.

The design for the tank will kinduve copy RandysReef. I will show some pics later. please criticize. I need it .
Hiya fish freek. Sounds like you have put a lot of thought into this already! IMO, Couple suggestions;
1) More flow. I assume by the dimensions you have given, this is a 180 Gallon? I would go for at least 2400 GPH up to 3600 GPH. Try your initial estimate of 1500GPH, but I dont think you will be happy with that amount.
2) Live rock. If you want to create sand bars, you may be surprised by what your 120 Lbs will do. In my opinion you may not need anymore (based on what you want to accomplish) or at the most, maybe 30-50 lbs more.
3) You had asked about opinions on external pumps. I am experimenting with different external pumps at the moment and I may end up going with either a dolphin or an Iwaki. Danner Mag's are still undergoing the tests as well. However, for longevity, I have been told Iwaki pumps with the Japanes motors are the best.

Good Luck and post pics as you go along!:cool:
thanks for the reply.
I am planning on putting in a closep loop on a ocean motion 4-way. The dart gets about 3600pgh or I was thing i would ahve a total flow around 5000. I will draw up a diagram of what I kinda want to do with the life rock. if that helps with that. what do you guys think about the G2. will that be sufficient
after doing some research I have decided to replace the closed loop with two tunze 6100's on a multi controller. This would cost about the same;leave more room in stand;prevent possible disasters with drilling a tank; basically i don't even see a down side. I would have more automated flow options. and the same if not more flow. do you guys think this is a good move or should i reconsider