Upgrading from 72 bowfront mixed reef to a 120 SPS Barebottom (Need Input)


New member
My 72 bowfront is overgrown and getting old so I want to upgrade to a 48x24x24 120 gallon. Only problem is I know very little about plumbing. I currently have 2x tunze 6105's that I will be transferring to the new tank and a full apex with all the accessories. I'm currently running 2x 150 metal halide and 2 single T5's all retrofit in my canopy.

I'm going to buy my tank from exotic on bird rd and I will be buying a Monterey stand and canopy. I spoke to them today and I will most likely be going with a ghost overflow. I would like to buy equipment that is overrated in case I upgrade to a 180 in the future but also because I'd rather have more than what I need rather than less.

Questions I have and need help with is which pump should I buy? I'm think about a reeflo but don't know which one. The pump will be going in the stand. I will be running a chiller, Gfo reactor, carbon reactor, UV and maybe an algae turf scrubber.

Which skimmer? I'm leaning towards reef octopus or even a bubbleking. I might be using a 40 breeder for a sump unless I have one made. Right now I have a conductivity probe, orp probe, temp probe, and ph probe. I'm also dosing alk , ca, Kalk, and mag. My ROdi is directly connected to a float in my sump which I will be changing when I upgrade.

I am leaning towards 2 metal halides with 4x 54w T5.
Since I'm using a canopy I need to decide what lighting to use. I plan on only doing high end sps so I want to have more than enough light for growth and color. I've been reading a lot and although I've seen some 120's using 2x 400w metal halides with 20k radiums and 4 t5's I'm leaning towards 2 x 250w 20k radiums and 4 t5's. Do I do a retrofit or should I buy an all in one fixture like Hamilton or geissman spectra?( I'm using a canopy). Other option is an ATI or Giessman 8 or 10 bulb fixture.

Here's some pics of my 72. A few reasons I'm upgrading besides overcrowding is center brace has been broken since I set the tank up again about 3 years ago. Sand was reused without washing it and rocks should have been cleaned prior to starting over. This was my first attempt with sps. I didn't even know what dipping was when I started so now I have red bugs and monti nudis. Tank is overrun with vermetid snails. New tank will be setup using all dry Marco rock.

Thank You for any input

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Sweet tank! Yeah, you'll want at least 250s on the new setup. 400s would be fine, but if you are doing a canopy, the heat from the 400s will be a killer. If you want acros top to bottom you may need the 400 if you decide to stick with radiums. Another thing to consider is a 250 10-12K like a reflux on HQI puts out just as much par (or close enough) to a 400 radium. You could just load up on the blue supplemets.

For an octopus skimmer, the 3000 series would probably be best. I run a 2000 on my 100 and although its oversized, its definitely not overkill.
The one thing I see is that you are already thinking you might upgrade to a 180. Do yourself a favor and just go as big as you can right now. Even if it takes you longer to finish the hole project. Got straight to a 180 or a 220. Trust me. You will go bigger why not just do it once. That's my .02 cents.
If you want, I have a BubbleKing with an extra pump and head cleaner that I would sell you. PM me for details. BTW, your tank looks great!
Awesome looking tank. Although im an SPS guy I havent had success keeping an elegance coral in over 7 years. Congrats on the baby you have there.

Your thought process is great, I think 2x 250 will be just fine, with blue supps. T-5 's are amazing. I wish I had the room. In a 24" wide tank you might find the room tight after quality reflectors for those MH.

Keep up the good work.
I agree, try and forego the continuous upgrade path and get what you really want the first time. It'll save you tons of cash in the long run. The beauty of this hobby is that we're continuously learning and evolving as more information and technology becomes available at our desposal. It's was keeps us all entertained. It's challenging, no doubt, if it wasn't half the fun would be gone.

If you're set on a canopy, I would go retro. No need in spending the extra cash on a nice fixture going inside a canopy. Save that extra cash and use it on something that will play a positive role in your system. A saltwater mixing station would be an example.

Good luck with the build!
Thank You for all the input so far! Unfortunately my condo only has space for a 48x24x24 tank. I would love to go bigger but 60" length is my max and 24" wide is max width. If I ever move I wouldn't move unless I had room for a bigger tank with fish room for water changes. I'm not sure if 60" length would even work because if I use my chiller it needs space. So it looks like 48x24x24 is my only option. I'm upgrading because I'm worried about the center brace, and because my coral frags are now colonies that are killing eachother. Basically this was my first Sps tank and I went overboard with frags. My mushrooms have spread and my frogspawn is now stinging my purple planet causing rtn. I have a hard time making decisions and I always try to get the best of the best if it's not insanely overpriced.