My tank from aiptasia to sps

What equipment did you add?

I have mostly LPS corals and they are all doing great, but when I added 2 branching SPS they aren't doing to well. My sunset monti, green cap, purple cap, and seasons greeting monti are doing fine. just can't grow branching sps and dont know why..

do you dose? if so what do you dose?

how often do you do water changes? Seems when i do water changes the some polyps on the branching sps come out but not to sure.

You need to test alk and calcium on a daily basis for a few days to a week to see how much your tank uses. Once you get those results you can enter the values into a reef calculator like they have on brs website. That will tell you how much to dose to maintain a stable level.

My frags are small so my tank doesn't use a lot of alk/ca/mag for now but as they grow and the more coralline algae I get the more I need to dose.

When I switched over to sps, I upgraded my lighting to 2 150 metal halides (14k phoenix bulbs) and with 2 single t5's with pure actinic bulbs. I also added 2 tunze 6105's for flow which I control with my apex controller. I have the powerheads alternate every 5-10seconds depending on the time of day.

I don't use magnesium because my water changes keep up with it, so I have 3 brs dosers that dose alk and calcium at equal amounts spread out over about 10 hours per day. In order to maintain a decent ph level I started dripping kalk as well using my 3rd doser. This helps maintain alk and ca levels as well.
I recently added a co2 scrubber to raise my ph levels to 8.1 unless I open a window I can reach 8.2ph.

Lastly I run a gfo reactor to keep my phosphates as low as possible.

I do a 20% water change every 2-3 weeks mixing RO and reef crystals.

As for aiptasia I got very lucky using peppermint shrimp. They don't always work I hear.