Upsize to a 90 gal


Hi Eric,

I would like your opinion on an upsize. I currently have a 50 gal reef and am considering buying a 90 gal tank. The present tank is run on power compacts,CPR bak pak skimmer and a custom sea life 9 watt UV. There is no sump, and just 3 power heads circulating the water. The tank is really low maintenance and seems to run fine its over 3 years old.
I would like to move everything to a 90 gal to accom. growing corals and fish. I don't want to go much larger then 90 because I want to keep it simple and not much more expense. My questions are;

Can I use power compacts successfully on a 90(50 has 275watts I would like to keep present lights and add a couple of more bulbsif needed) ?
Can I keep the bak pak and add another or a Prism ?
I would like to add a CPR hang on refugium, whats your opinion on these?
I really don't want to start with drilling tanks,sumps intricite plumbing etc. One of the things I like about the 50 is it is very little maintenence, amount of water changes etc.