Urgent- Need Help


New member
i bought a skunk cleaner today and put him in my tank a few minutes ago. i have a small, maybe 2-3"yellow tang in there. the shrimp was hanging upside down on a rock, and the tang came over and bit his feelers a couple times, and ripped part of one off. i have no clue why...anyone know? i don't want my tang to kill him, please let me know what's going on.....
maybe the shrimp is intruding the tangs territory?? does it only bite the shrimp when its under the rock?? If the biting is consistent, it would be best to remove either the shrimp or tang :(. I had a prob with my clowns, one was agressive towards the other so i replaced the agressive one lol.
no but not every fish is the same. I don't have experience with tangs as my tank is too small.. Try calling the place you bought the shrimp from, see if they have any suggestions. do you have a quarantine tank??
Well if the harassing continues constantly, then you just have to decide which one you like better. However, removing the tang (if you had another tank to put him in) and then putting the tang back in, say, a week later, he may not be as territorial because he will be in a whole new surrounding.
unless you have something to divide teh tank temporarily, I don't think that moving the shrimp somewhere else in the tank will do much (can't really control were it stays). You could give it a shot though, if this is a territory issue.
does the tang usually stay in the spot that the shrimp is hiding right now?? If so, try moving the shrimp out of that spot, but I can't guarantee that the shrimp won't go back.
is your shrimp the same kind as a blood shrimp, or something differnt? i have a shouldertang & it stays in my shrimps face all the time, but all he does is gets up close to him so the shrimp will scrach on him.
I have always heard that a tang is the last fish or speciman to add to a system because the tang will show that behavior to new fish introduced to the system. The astablish there territory rather quikly at lest ours did