URS Frag Swap May 20th in Buffalo NY


Active member
It was good meeting a lot of you today at the ReefNest Meeting/Swap.
The Upstate Reef Society in New York will be holding a frag Swap at Buffalo's newest LFS, Aqua Tech in Cheektowaga NY. It's right next to the Buffalo International Airport.

The address of the meet is
4700 Genessee St.
Cheektowaga NY 14226

The meet starts at noon and will go until 6PM. Aqua Tech will provide food and drinks(nonalcoholic)

There will be plenty of Buffalo and Rochester, NY reefers there. Hopefully, some of you can make the trip up north.

Wow..a 6 hour event!! What's your expected turnout?

..and next time...if you want..feel free to email me if you want to use fragswapper for pre-trading..I don't charge anything. The more clubs that use it, the more likely I will spend the time to re-write it. :)

Hey Fizz,
Not sure of the turnout yet. Usually, the URS gets between 50-75 people, depending on the location of the meet. The meetings in Rochester, NY usually get the best yield, since the club is centralized there.

This was the first time I used fragswapper, and I have to say, it's a great idea. It was just point and click if I wanted someone to bring me a frag.