Use 6305 pumps in external waveboxes?


Premium Member
Has anyone used a Tunze 6305 in an external wavebox with the 7096 controller?

I'm building a 10' long tank. I would like some opinions on using two 6305's in an external acrylic box made large enough to accomodate the pumps. Will I be able to tune the pumps just like a 6212 Wavebox using the 7096 Controller?

Any advice?

It should work, the 6305's used to click a lot on start up but they should now come with a new drive unit that solves this problem.
Do you know if I will have to make the waveboxes much larger than the 6212 wavebox since the 6305's are much larger pumps? If I didn't increase the wavebox size substantially, would I run the risk of pulling out all the water in the wavebox?

Have a guesstimate on the volume I should have in the wavebox to run the 6305s?

I would hedge on the side of caution and make the wavebox about 2" taller and 2" wider than the norm. But I don't know exactly.
If we made the boxes 7" wide instead of (4.9), and 7" long (4.4) +14" (11.8)tall we will have plenty of volume unless it was a really slow pulse I would imagine. Could you tell us the hole size that we would need to drill in the wave box? I am guessing from the specs that we will need a 2.5" whole since the outlet is 2.48". Also, the size of the acrylic will be 1.25", do you think there will be enough clearance to stick the outlet through the hole and be able to have enough room to attach the strainer on the end? I am helping out a little on this project as well.
2.5" will work. The snout is only 3/4" long at the shortest part but the 6205.200 screen fits inside and not outside so it will definitely work.