Useing/Reviving old real live rock?


New member
Hi All,

I have had about 100lbs of mixed "real" Fiji, tonga Live rock sitting in a tub for years the weather. Its all white/bleached from the sun now..been rained and snowed on. This said...can I revive it/reseed it some how to be used in a tank again? Or is it only good for sump rubble? Or toss it? If reviveable...What additives are on the market, if any, now a has been a while for me, and see everything has gone to man made "life" rock. Is Coraline algae in a bottle yet? Haha

I was thinking of finding a place, if there is one, that sells harvested live rock or someone with a mature tank...getting a piece from them and place it all in a tub with lighting and a skimmer to rejuvenate my old stuff?? (I understand that these 2 options will either..hurt the environment and or possibly introduce pests i don't want)


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Here is what I did with old LR that was sitting dry for months:

Put it all in a bucket and add water/bleach mix. 10-1 or stronger if you want (I had powerhead in there to move water but not mandatory)
Leave for a week
Drain, clean bucket and refill with water and add dechlorinator to get rid of bleach (if you live somewhere warm, you can skip this and just leave rocks out in the sun for a wee or so.
After week drain again and fill with RODI water and let it be for several days. Test for Phosphate and chlorine to make sure there is no PO4 leaching or leftover bleach.

Cycle with ammonia/ammonium chloride and bacteria to get it live again. This can be done inside the tank or in the bucket again. It will be live bacteria wise, and ready to do its job, but it will be white looking for a while.

And yes, there is "coraline in a bottle" but it is apparently just snake oil and doesnt do much at all.