Using a filter sock


Wrasse aficionado
I was told that using a filter sock is one of the most effective ways of removing fine particulate matter that is floating around in your aquarium. The question I have is how the heck do I use it? What do I attach it too??? Should I use this as the first stage filter media instead of the filter media/pads in the sump??? Someone also mentioned they are used around pumps??? Okay Im a bit confused and feel like an amateur...your help is appreciated.
I placed my filter sock at the exit of my drains. But man it was a pain to clean. I have switch over to the cheap white filters that i can throw away every 2-3 weeks, much easier.
use filter socks on your drain, they rplace the pads but you have to clean them every few days or they just get full of stuff. they also prevent bubbles in the sump and in turn prevent microbubbles in the display, which is why they might say they are used around return pumps.
Heres a pic of my sump

the four pvc pipes in the corner are my drains, and i used to have the sock but it would get dirty and clogged to fast so i switched to the white pads you see. much easier to change and they are only like $1
Well, it all depends on what method you believe is best for your tank. Do you want heavy particulate filtration? Some do, as they want clearer water, some do not, as they believe it feeds the corals and planktivorous fish.

If you want heavy particulate filtration, the filter socks work great. The only issue is that you have to change them very frequently, usually once a week or less. They clog, but that's their job. You just stick them in the washing machine with some bleach or something to clean them out if they're gross. Or just rinse them with a hose outside, flip them inside out. Then soak them in bleach to get rid of that biological matter, or something like that.
I must be dirty LOL. I don't use any.....

I used to use them a while back but they became a pain to changed. I used to have to change them every 4 days, became too tedious and stopped using the. Anyhow I have not been using them for the passed 8months no problem. Skimmer just looks nastier is all LOL.