Using a switch


Premium Member
I hope I am not monopolizing the forum :D

In order to use a switch, do I need to make a custom serial cable? Is it possible to buy a cable already wired for a switch? Which switch do you recomment to use?

We sell a serial cable w/ 10 ft' leads attached to the DB9 end of the cable; the price is $25.
If you wish to build your own cable, the easiest way is to open the DB9 end of the cable. Attach one external switch wire to the brown wire (already attached to pin 8), and the other wire to the external switch input wire (usually red).
Any float switch with a dry contact will work - I don't have particular recommendation.

This modification to the serial cable I presume is for an AQII that only has a serial IO connection, correct? Can you pull the two wires off the DB9 connector to the float switch but still keep the serial cable attached to a computer with aquanotes? In other words, what is the best way to modify a serial cable for a float switch input that is continually connected to an aquanotes computer?

As to the AQIIIPRO, it has a separate 8 pin connector for IO (in addition to the serial connection). The user manual says something about a switch box for the Pro unit. Is this available on website? Can the float switch on the AQIIIPRO just be wired to the ground pin and the digital input pin #1 on the IO connector. Do you have up to 4 inputs that can be used on pins 1 - 4?

Yes, with the AC2 you can still have communication with your PC, and have a functional switch input. You must leave leave the external switch out signal connected to pin 8 of the DB9 connector or the isolator will not work. If you already have one of our serial cables, just open the DB9 end and attach your switch wires to the brown wire (connected to pin 8), and the unattached external in wire (usually red in our cable).
We don't sell the I/O box anymore - that should have been removed from the 3 Pro manual. Yes, on the 3 Pro the two wires from the external switch connect between the ground pin and one of the 4 input pins. You can connect up to four switches to the 3 Pro. If you can't find a minidin 8 connector, we sell them for $5.00.
