Using poly filter


I have a biocube 14 and filtering with chemi-pure blue. Is it worth also using poly filter to polish the water a little more or is it just best used to take out medications and ect.? If it is worth using is it something that can constantly be used?
I ran my biocube with chemipure elite and purigen. Worked great and back then was very popular with the nano crowd. Not sure what the rage is these days......

Poly filter is typically reserved when you want to remove some kind of contaminant or unwanted element from the water. Not necessary to run as a preventative.
In my nano cube I always used the poly filter at the top, chemipure elite in the middle, purigen at the bottom and the skimmer in the middle chamber.
Can a person overdose on pureigen? Seeing that I don't have a protein skimmer and I heard the pureigen acts like a protein skimmer would it be advised to use more pureigen other than what's in the chemi-pure blue that I'm using?
Ok there is poly filter, and there is filter pad and or filter floss....

I did run filter pad in my bc14, not "poly filter";)
I always used it just in case of anything cause you never know what can fall into your tank when you're not around. You can find them pretty cheap on eBay. I prefer to be safe than sorry.
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