UV Flashlight and Glasses


New member
At work (Aquarium of the Pacific) the other day, one of the dive-masters was playing with a blue UV flashlight and glasses that filtered out all but the UV light. We shined it in some of the coral display tanks after lights out and the colors and "pop" was just amazing...anyone heard of this in the scuba world? How popular/common is this or is it a new product? It was cool!
I am actually trying to find a quality UV flash light to purchase... if anyone knows where to get one.. please let me know..
Did a glow night dive in Grand Cayman and it was really cool. The lights we used there came from the UK. Got a UV bulb for my mag light and use it to view my corals with the lights off and see the glow. You should be able to find the dive lights through leisure pro or glo-dive.