Vaccum and stir super shallow sandbed?


New member
So I hate sand... I always have the hardest time keeping it clean to my (and especially my wife's standards)...

I typically go barebottom on my tanks with the bottom painted white... its gives an appearance of sand and ease of bb

On my new 180 I didnt have the opportunity to do this... I tried some white vinyl on the underside, but it doesnt show through due the reflection (it shows from the top down)

So I decided to do a super thin scattering of sand...just enough to cover the bottom..

Can I regularly stir and even vaccum it?

Any other tips on keeping it clean? Thanks!

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Stir and vacuum, sure, I have done this prior to weekly water change forever, but I run a DSB. With a thin layer, there won't be much micro fauna to lose so I don't see the risk.

Mature tanks with perfect water deployed consistently should result in "white" sand (within reason)
My sand bed is like 1.3 of an inch thick.. i want more but money issues so yea... just vacuum the top layer lift get the sand out so it doesnt get suck up and repeat.

my fresh water discus tank has a like 3
or 4 inch layer of sand.. i just dip it in all the way lift let it all fall out and repeat.. my sand isnt powder though..

I honestly dont know why ppl go bare bottom its ugly as sin.... people do it with fresh water alot... if my tank was bare bottom id probably get outa the hobby seriously its that fake and ugly looking lol
I cannot imagine NOT having and using my Python Siphon. I got it when I started my first tank over 30 years ago and use it every water change. I have a couple inches of sand, so I try to do about 1/4 to 1/3 of the bottom each time.
I cannot imagine NOT having and using my Python Siphon. I got it when I started my first tank over 30 years ago and use it every water change. I have a couple inches of sand, so I try to do about 1/4 to 1/3 of the bottom each time.
You run it into a sink?

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I don't siphon, mainly because my water changes are automated out of my sump now. But I have stared regularly blasting it with a turkey baster to stir it up a bit.
I do water changes out of my sump, so I don't attend to my sand bed as much as I should I have moderately high flow, so my filter socks catch most things. My sand bed is green, and it bothers me a bit, but I've got bigger fish to fry than constantly messing with my sand bed and keeping it clean.

My friend insists on a white sand bed, and he uses a long-armed glass scraper to manually turn over the sand every 2-3 days so that it always stays pearly white. And that works. I guess detritus gets picked up by the flow and ends up in filter socks.

I guess in theory a good clean up crew would include members who dig through the sand bed and disturb it and turn it over naturally. I never add them because either they starve to death, or they'll turn over corals that are in or too close to the sand.
Can't do this with stinky sand on the bottom, Another year and I won't even be able to see any glass.

I run about 1/4- 1/2 inch of sand in my 180 as I hate the bare bottom look and the contrast that white sand makes everything pop. You will still need to vacuum it as even that thin layer will build up detritus even with an active cuc.
I also just rake my sand bed and turn it over every few days after leaving it for years it builds up so much detris. Turning it over made a difference and yields less alagea now.
Sand bed is about 2 inches.