Value of Spotted Moray Eel??

Scuba Dan

New member
I have a spotted moray eel that I may have to get rid of. He's getting 2 large for my tank. He is about 3' long. I have another one that I paid $50.00 for and he was just over a foot long when I purchased him. Curious as to know what I can get for him.


Very hard to see big eels for anything

I helped a friend get rid of his 4' green moray we ended up having to give it to mote aquarium in Sarasota. We couldn't give it away to anyone else its tough to find a home for an eel that big. Don't expect to get much if any money tho
Very hard to see big eels for anything

I helped a friend get rid of his 4' green moray we ended up having to give it to mote aquarium in Sarasota. We couldn't give it away to anyone else its tough to find a home for an eel that big. Don't expect to get much if any money tho

I would of loved to get that moray, they are one of the coolest eels imo
I think if you can get $20 it's a win - hard to sell big predatory fish like that. I would just see if you can give him away to a good home, honestly.
Love eels, like others have said the ones that eat other fish are hard sales. MIGHT be able to use the eel as partial trade for something more calm like a zebra eel if you like having an eel. I have a 2.5ft zebra in my tank, model citizen.

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