Velctra M1 problem


New member
I am owner of Vectra M1 and after 2 years my power supply (14,5V) have damage. I order a new one from Greek retailer and he bring to me a new power supply (36V). I put it on my velctra and cant start....

After contact with Greek retailer he told me that the German retailer sent to him the right power supply (36V). If the right power supply have 36V why my power supply and the power supply of my friend have 14,5 V ???

The funny is that the ecotech in web page have power supply with 14,5 at the picture..

I hope someone can help me "¦..
Did you buy it from an ecotech authorized dealer or? Im not sure how vendor support is done outside the US but I'd look into contacting ecotech directly for a replacement (or info on one )
There's nothing special about the power supply, however you need to replace it with one that has the same voltage and at least the amperage.
Here is a photo of the M1 power brick.

36v 2.66A is what it requires.

I don't know where the 14.5v brick came from, but may be the reason for your initial problem.
After 10 days ecotech inform me about the problem.....
Ecotech change the power supply from 14,5V to 36V at Oct 2017. The funny is that my M1 I buy at 12 Dec 2017 with 14,5V. Now what can I do? throw to the garbage and buy a new ??? what about 2 years guarantee ?? I think ecotech must sent me another 14,5V power supply...
After 10 days ecotech inform me about the problem.....
Ecotech change the power supply from 14,5V to 36V at Oct 2017. The funny is that my M1 I buy at 12 Dec 2017 with 14,5V. Now what can I do? throw to the garbage and buy a new ??? what about 2 years guarantee ?? I think ecotech must sent me another 14,5V power supply...

If you have your receipt they should replace it.
