Velocity T4 pix and Question


New member
Well yall, I came home today to discover that my T4 wasn't working. After I utalized my scientific training and powers of deduction to try and get it working again (banging on the stand and hard drops from 2 inches) I realized something more was afoot here. It was then that I remembered the sage words of Dave, "yeah, I like em but you have to clean all the calcium out of em every couple years." So I took it apart and this is what I saw:
<img src="" border="0"/>
<img src="" border="0"/><img src="" border="0"/><img src="" border="0"/><img src="" border="0"/><img src="" border="0"/>
Now the pictures really don't do it justice since it soaked in 1:2 vinegar for about 1 hour before I decided that pictures would be a good idea. I was chipping that cake out with my thumbnail and a screwdriver. How for the question: is the smooth steel section suposed to have lubricant in it? Or is the lubricant water? I'm thinking its water. After seeing this I'm about to break down the other one I have and clean it up.
Heres a pic of the vinegar bath and the nastyness its rendered:
<img src="" border="0"/>
Like the bubbles? Vinegar and calcium really hate one another. You see, they both got really drunk at this party once...
Yeah I drop all my pumps and powerheads in a vinegar solution once every 6 months, makes them work and look like new. I have just started using external pumps and have already wondered how I will clean those.
Could you put a bulkhead and fitting on the side of a bucket near the bottom going out to the pump inlet and then drill a hole on the side near the top and run the return hose through it. Fill with solution and put the lid on?

Would prob be a good idea to do in the driveway if your plumbing skills are like mine.
I actually thought of that same thing when I was cleaning out the sheets of cement out of the pump. I plan on doing that next time so there isn't a complete breakdown involved. Only I'm going to work in an "in-line" clean system so there isn't any disconnection involved. I found a company that makes auto sealing pop on connectors for hose. I had this set up on my 130 for quick water changes. With a little retrofitting I believe I could work this for waterchanges and pump rejuvination.