Vermetid Snails a pest to zoanthids


New member
I have notice that vermetid snails are nuisance to zoanthids to the extent where polyps will remain constantly closed causing a drop in the health of the affected zoa colony. I am unsure as to whether the mucous simply just agitates the polyps constantly or actually hurts them but I am sure they are a pest to zoanthids.

I did not have many in my nano. Only 3 to be exact and they were located in the midst of many colonies and where ever the flow took the mucous, I was bound to expect unhappy zoanthids and did. The health of the zoas over a few weeks dropped to the point where they would no longer open up even when the mucous strands were no longer attached.

To simply deal with the low number of the snails, I simply put super-glue gel on a plastic tip and touched it to the opening of vermetid snail and it appears to work effectively in locking up the vermetid.

Since then my polyps have reopened up again.

Hopefully this helps others out as well.
just crush the tube.

Not just the tube, crush the base too. If snail has time to retreat into the base before said crushing, it will grow back. I used a clean, blunt(filed down phillips head) screwdriver to crush the whole thing, but I had far too many and ended up nuking all the rock and re-curing of luck... I hate vermetids....
Yeah, I've tried breaking the tube and alot of times they manage to escape further down the base. I have the frags glued on base rocks already so its hard to pull out the entire thing and take em out.
I had so many of those Vermatid snails that I couldn't pick up a rock without getting stuck by one of those snail shells. I added a wrasse and I've been noticing that I don't have many of those snails now. I'm not sure if the wrasse had anything to do with it though cause I've never witnessed it eating any of them.