Vertex Alpha 250 Skimmer - $300 Off!

Jeremy B.

Active member
That's right, $300 off the Vertex Alpha 250 Kone Skimmer until this Sunday at midnight! We're overstocked on the 250, and need to move some of the inventory. This is the lowest this skimmer has ever been offered at! Use coupon code Alpha250 at check out.


Reg. Price $1199
Sale Price $899

Don't miss this great deal!
Hey Jeremy, I just placed an order for and Alpha 250. This special came at a great time, I am building a 300 Gallon Display w/ a 100 Gallon sump. Keep them coming, I need to buy a lot more things. Thank you I am looking forward to receiving it.
You would indeed still get free shipping on this, as part of the promo. A 210 would be ok for the Alpha 250 as long as you had a pretty heavy load in there.
Thanks.... I didn't pull the trigger on a skimmer yet...... can't decide what to do

I think I want a internal RC'd skimmer...... but it seems to be hard to find. Other companies have the external cones but the box makes them to big for my sump.........
yes & also so maintaining a specific water level isn't important with a RC'd skimmer & since I presently do not have a auto-top off system the level changes. Seems like these skimmers like to be in I think 8-10 inches of water which is a few inches more then what I keep my sump at & since it's a wet/dry I do not want to raise it where more bioballs are submerged.

I have a old ER 12-2 & sometimes I wonder if I would be better off to just throw a nice red dragon or similar nw pump on it instead of buying a newer skimmer.
Man i wish you had an overstock on BK's - The footprint of this one is a little to big for me by an inch! Dang it!