vertex skimmers


Thank you for your response, the Vertex skimmers that we currently have in stock are the current versions available from Vertex.

Best Regards,


Marine Depot Customer Services

Thanks for the response, what we currently have available is not the updated model, we will update the description on our website when the new skimmers arrive, unfortunately I do not have an ETA when that will be. I apologize for the inconvenience

Best Regards,

when you receive new models can please post new specs like new footprint size and pump and size specs on the new bigger model vertex 280
hate to dig this up but i just bought a vetex in 180 and was wondering how to tell which model i got.

so far i like the skimmer granted its on a new system and has not yet been tested under a bio load.....

Thank for the post, all the Vertex we have in-stock now are Gen2. There is no real way to tell if the skimmer is a Gen 2 there are no distinct markings on the product they only changed the Impellers, that is all. I hope this information helps.

Best Regards,


Marine Depot Customer Services
I may be wrong but I dont think so. The gen2 180 will have a shortened bubble chamber, a new brackett that the motor mounts to, and the air intake tubing dead ends into a sorta silencer at the end of the adjustment tube. And oh yeah, better impellers.
gen 2 models have lowered bubble plate and pump is turned on side with different air silencer and the footprint size has changed slightly, but should be better with lowered bubble plate gives bubbles more dwell time in chamber and less turbulance also.
i do believe i have a gen 2....the bubble plate is low in the chamber and the pump is on its side....the air tube also runs to the top of the level tube and ends in a lil fitting...

im having a HECK of a time getting this thing tuned in thou....granted its still new and just now getting a bio load....but i only get skim-mate into the cup when i have the tube tuned and skimming wet.....if i turn it at all my bubbles fall into the main chamber and thats where they stay...ANY IDEAS?

Thanks for your reply D.J.'s reef, What do you mean by "turning it" are you speaking of the return spill way?

Normally a skimmer will take a few weeks to break in, meaning you going to get all kinds of performance the first couple weeks from endless wet foam to no foam at all. Depending on the amount of bio-load you may have in your tank could determine the amount of skimate you may get.

I hope this helps in some way, please feel free to contact our customer services center at 1.800.566.3474 for further trouble shooting with any of our representatives.

Best Regards,


Marine Depot Customer Services
sorry should been more clear....i meant when i turn the wedge pipe....

the skimmer is getting better and better....just gota clean the neck once a that normal or just because its still breakin in...