Video of 325 BB display with 10 inch RDSB

Dog boy Dave

New member
Here is some recent video i captured using my phone yesterday. Still kind of rough around the edges but coming along i think. The display is 60 inches by 27 inches deep and 48 inches from front to rear. Almost a cube but not quite square. Bare bottom in main display with two remote sumps. One sump has a deep sand bed with lights and the rest is high flow with live rock in shade. Together, the different zones seem to work well long term maintaining water quality. The sand is about ten years old in system.

Thanks for watching, enjoy.
Most of the fish have been in the tank since it as set up 5 years ago. Many of them were together bofore that in my previous system. The square tank helps. They have a lot of room to hide and they have all grown up together so there isnt much real aggression.