VIDEO: Polyp Lab Polyp-Booster - Marine Depot

Polyp Lab Polyp-Booster
For this video we have an exciting new additive that was just released by Polyp Lab called Polyp Booster. Polyp Booster is a nutritional supplement that triggers a feeding response in corals. It also provides essential building blocks that corals need to grow and thrive.

Polyp Booster contains a mixture of 18 amino acids and 12 fatty acids which promote excellent pigmentation and growth. It works great in conjunction with Polyp Lab Reef Roids or pretty much any type of prepared coral foods.

When using Polyp Booster, simply add the liquid directly into your aquarium in an area of high flow. Within about 30 seconds it will trigger a feeding response in all kinds of aquarium inhabitants including corals, fish and invertebrates.
