Vinegar dosing impact on corals

Deep Reef

Active member
Trying to figure out what is happening to my toadstool coral. For the past 4 days it has not extended. I ahve been vinegar dosing but all other corals and reduced algae look great. The only other thing I have done is turn my sump and repiped my return piping which appears to have increased flow.

Here is a photo
#1- toadstools do that. They occasionally close up, shed, then open right up. even with pristine parameters. With changes, like sump move, even more.

#2- Why are you carbon dosing? (vodka)
Dosing vinegar, had serious gha.started running gfo which cleared it mostly. About a month ago started carbon dosing to get the last of it. It appears to be working as I only a couple of small spots remaining. Thanks for the input
yup, like Eddie said, toadstools occassionally do that. I've had a green-polyp toadstoll for more than 8 years that occasionally will close-up like that. Sometimes it even last a few weeks. I wouldn't worry too much about it. If it was sagging to the side pretty badly or just not staying upright, then you should be a little more concerned.